Form & the Elements in Nature

Rocks and Handling

Scott discusses his method for painting rocks, gives two examples and suggests artists for further study.

11min 41sec

"Rocks are not like clouds -- they are meant to hurt you." Let that thought guide your shape making.

Start by looking for ways to simplify the shapes you see. Identify the big shapes and big patterns. Then add detail.

Find your placement, then find your painting.

Artists to study:

  • Edward Compton
  • Maynard Dixon
  • Edgar Payne
  • Carl Rungis
  • John Singer Sargent

Journaling is key to growth. Your understanding is incomplete without repetitive practice.  Do the work.

For each of the above artists:

  • Find paintings of rocks that you admire.
  • Copy the images into your Drawing Journal.
  • Identify the large patterns of light and shadow.
  • Within those patterns, identify the shapes working from large to small.
  • Identify which of the the five types of light (see Light & Value Series) the artist has selected for the shape.
  • As you work, record your thoughts and observations -- either in your Drawing or Writing Journal. Try to chronicle your learning and observation.

Drawing Journal.

Writing Journal.

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